Invited book chapters
“TBI care pathways”
chapter within Oxford Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury.
In press:
“TBI: acute management and prevention”
chapter within Post Traumatic Epilepsy, Mula et al Cambridge University Press.
In press:
“Mild TBI and its treatment”
chapter within Neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury, Hutchinson et al Cambridge University Press.

Invited Headway Leaflet: TBI headache patient information leaflet
Headway post Top tips for coping with headaches

MD thesis:
“Early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a magnetic resonance imaging study investigating normal appearing brain tissue and lesion changes.”

Clark CN, Edwards MJ, Ong BE, Goodliffe L, Ahmad H, Dilley MD, Betteridge S, Griffin C, Jenkins PO.
Reframing post concussional syndrome as an interface disorder of neurology, psychiatry and psychology.
Brain 2022 Jun 30;145(6):1906-1915. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac149.
Parker TD, Rees R, Rajagopal S, Griffin C, Dilley M, Jenkins PO.
Post Traumatic Amnesia: how to understand it.
Practical Neurology 2021: 22(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/practneurol-2021-003056
Li LM, Dilley MD, Carson A, Twelftree J, Peter D, Hutchinson J, Belli A, Betteridge S, Paul G, Cooper N, Griffin CM, Jenkins PO, Liu C, Sharp DJ, Sylvester LR, Wilson MH, Turner MS, Greenwood G (2021).
Management of traumatic brain injury (TBI): a clinical neuroscience led pathway for the NHS. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT
Clinical Medicine 21(2),198-205.
GA Ashby, C Griffin, N Agrawal
Brain injury and deprivation of liberty on neurosciences wards. A gilded cage is still a cage.
Practical Neurology. 10.1136/practneurol-2014-000957
P Garcia-Reitbock, G Thompson, P Johns, Y Al Wahab, S Omer, C Griffin
Upbeat nystagmus in anti-Aa2 encephalitis
Practical Neurology 2014: 14(1):36-38
W Rashid, A Hadjiprocopis, G Davies, CM Griffin, DT Chard, DR Altmann, CA Wheeler-Kingshott, AJ Thompson, DH Miller
Longitudinal evaluation of clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis with diffusion tensor imaging.
Journal of Neurology 2008 (255):390-397
W Rashid, GR Davies, CM Griffin, DR Altmann, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Evaluation of enhancement and clinical measures in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a two year longitudinal study.
Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13(2):178-185
GR Davies, A Hadjiprocopis, DR Altmann, DT Chard, CM Griffin, W Rashid, GJ Parker, PS Tofts, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Normal appearing white grey and white matter T1 abnormality in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study.
Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13(2):169-177
W Rashid, GR Davies, DT Chard, CM Griffin, DR Altmann, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Relationship of triple dose contrast enhanced lesions with clinical measures and brain atrophy in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a two year longitudinal study.
Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13(2):169-177
R Miller, CM Griffin, J Shah, P Metha, P Sharma.
A young stroke: the need for vigilance.
J R Soc Med 2006 Oct;99(10):527-528
W Rashid, GR Davies, DT Chard, CM Griffin, DR Altmann, R Gordon, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Upper cervical cord area in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: cross sectional study of factors influencing cord size.
Journal of Magn Reson Imaging 2006 Apr:23(4):473-476
W Rashid, GR Davies, DT Chard, CM Griffin, DR Altmann, R Gordon, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Increasing cord atrophy in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a 3 year study.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2006 Jan;77(1):51-55
M Tiberio, DT Chard, DR Altmann, GR Davies, CM Griffin, MA McLean, W Rashid, J Sastre-Garriga, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Metabolite changes in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a two year follow up study.
Journal of Neurology 2006 Feb;253(2):224-230
GR Davies, DR Altmann, A Hadjiprocops, W Rashid, DT Chard, CM Griffin, PS Tofts, GJ Barker, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Increasing normal appearing grey and white matter magnetisation transfer ratio abnormality in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Neurology 2005 Sept 252(9);1037-1044
GR Davies, DR Altmann, W Rashid, DT Chard, CM Griffin, GJ Barker, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Emergence of thalamic MTR abnormality in early relapsing remitting MS.
Multiple Sclerosis 2005 June;11(3):276-281
M Tiberio, DT Chard, DR Altmann, GR Davies, CM Griffin, W Rashid, J Sastre-Garriga, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Grey and white matter volume changes in early RRMS; a 2 year longitudinal study.
Neurology 2005 Mar 22;64(6):1001-1007
DT Chard, CM Griffin, W Rashid, GR Davies, DR Altmann, R Kapoor, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Progressive grey matter atrophy in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2004 Aug;10(4):387-391
GR Davies, L Ramio-Torrenta, A Hadjiprocopis, DT Chard, CM Griffin, W Rashid, GJ Barker, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Evidence for grey matter MTR abnormalities in minimally disabled patients with early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2004 Jul;75(7):998 – 1002
W Rashid, A Hadjiprocopis CM Griffin, DT Chard, GR Davies, GJ Barker, PS Tofts, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Diffusion tensor imaging of early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis with histogram analysis using automated segmentation and brain volume correction.
Multiple Sclerosis 2004 Feb;10(1):9-15
A Traboulsee, J Dehmeshki, KR Peters, CM Griffin, PA Brex, N Silver, O Ciccarelli, DT Chard, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Disability in multiple sclerosis is related to normal appearing brain tissue MTR histogram abnormalities.
Multiple Sclerosis 2003 Dec;9(6):566-573
DT Chard PA Brex, O Ciccarelli, CM Griffin, GJM Parker, C Dalton, DR Altmann, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
The longitudinal relationship between brain lesion load and atrophy in multiple sclerosis: a 14 year follow up study.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2003 Nov;74(11):1551-1554
O Ciccarelli, DJ Werring, GJ Barker, CM Griffin, CA Wheeler-Kingshott, DH Miller, AJ Thompson.
A study of the mechanisms of normal appearing white matter damage in multiple sclerosis using diffusion tensor imaging: evidence of Wallerian degeneration.
Journal of Neurology 2003 Mar;250(3):287-292
P Kapeller, PA Brex, DT Chard, C Dalton, CM Griffin, MA McLean, GJM Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller
Quantitative 1H-MR spectroscopic imaging 14 years after presentation with a clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2002 May;8(3):207-210
DT Chard, GJM Parker, CM Griffin, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
The reproducibility and sensitivity of brain tissue volume measurements derived from an SPM-based segmentation methodology.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2002:15(3):259-267
DT Chard, CM Griffin, MA McLean, P Kapellar, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Brain metabolite changes in cortical grey and normal appearing white matter in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Brain 2002;125(Pt 1):2342 – 2352
DT Chard, CM Griffin, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Brain atrophy in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Brain 2002;125(Pt 2):327-337
CM Griffin, J Dehmeshki, DT Chard, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
T1 histograms of normal appearing brain tissue are abnormal in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2002;8(3):211-216
CM Griffin, DT Chard, GJM Parker, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
The relationship between lesion and normal appearing brain tissue abnormalities in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Journal of Neurology 2002;249(2):193-199
CM Griffin, DT Chard, O Ciccarelli, R Kapoor, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Diffusion tensor imaging in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2001;7(5):290-297
P Kapellar, MA McLean, CM Griffin, DT Chard, GJM Parker, GJ Baker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Preliminary evidence for neuronal damage in cortical grey matter and normal appearing white matter in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: a quantitative MR spectroscopic imaging study.
Journal of Neurology 2001;248:131-138
CM Griffin, GJM Parker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
MTR and T1 provide complementary information in MS NAWM, but not in lesions.
Multiple Sclerosis 2000;6[5]:327-331

Abstracts to learned societies
CM Griffin, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
The pathogenesis of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: design of a large longitudinal study.
J Neurol 2000;246 (suppl 1):36 (European Neurological Society (ENS) 1999)
CM Griffin, GJM Parker, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
A study of the relationship between magnetisation transfer ratio and T1 relaxation time in multiple sclerosis lesions and normal appearing white matter.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2000;8:1197 (International Society of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine (ISMRM), 2000)
CM Griffin, DT Chard, GJ Barker, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Does MRI lesion load and activity predict change in normal appearing white matter in MS?
Revue Neurologique 2000;156(suppl 3):100 9ECTRIMS 2000)
CM Griffin, DT Chrd, GJ Barker, R Kapoor, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
MR investigation of normal appearing white matter and grey matter in early relapsing remitting MS.
Revue Neurologique 2000;156(suppl 3):101 (ECTRIMS 2000)
CM Griffin, J Dehmeshki, DT Chard, GJM Parker, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
T1 histograms of normal appearing brain tissue are abnormal in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2001;7 (suppl 1): 86 (ECTRIMS 2001)
CM Griffin, J Dehmeshki, DT Chard, GJM Parker, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Segmented T1 histograms of normal appearing brain tissue are abnormal in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2001;7 (suppl 1):85 (ECTRIMS 2001)
CM Griffin, DT Chard, R Kapoor, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller
Diffusion tensor imaging in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
J Neurol 2001;248(suppl 2):155 (ENS 2001)
DT Chard, CM Griffin, GJM Parker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
White and grey matter atrophy in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2001;9:1377 (ISMRM 2001)
DT Chard, GJM Parker, CM Griffin, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Age and gender effects on brain grey and white matter volumes in normal controls: the reproducibility and sensitivity of an SPM based segmentation methodology.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2001;9:156 (ISMRM 2001)
DT Chard, CM Griffin, GJM Parker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Brain atrophy occurs predominanteyl in white matter in clinically early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
Journal of The Neurological Scienes 2001;187 (suppl 1):S277 (XVII World Congress of Neurology, London 2001)
DT Chard, CM Griffin, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Correction for intra-cranial volumes improves lesion correlations with disability in multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis 2001;7(suppl 1):85 (ECTRIMS 2001)
GR Davies, DT Chard, CM Griffin, W Rashid, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Triple dose Gadolinium enhanced MRI of the brain and spinal cord in early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis is predictive of future relapses. (ABN Spring 2002)
GR Davies, DT Chard, CM Griffin, W Rashid, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Quantitative magnetisation transfer: measurement of fundamental tissue characteristics in vivo.
(6th advanced course on MR techniques in MS 2002)
W Rashid, A Hadjiprocopis, CM Griffin, DT Chard, GR Davies, DR Altmann, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Investigation of early relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis using diffusion MR histograms. (ISMRM 2003)
GR Davies, D Tozer, A Ramani, CM Griffin, CM Dalton, CA Wheeler-Kingshott, AJ Thompson, GJ Barker, PS Tofts, DH Miller
Quantitative magnetisation transfer measurements in patients with multiple sclerosis. (ISMRM 2003)
W Rashid, A Hadjiprocopis, CM Griffin, DT Chard, GR Davies, DR Altmann, GJ Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Brain tissue diffusion abnormalities may occur early in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. (ABN Spring 2003).
GR Davies, W Rashid, DT Chard, CM Griffin, G Barker, AJ Thompson, DH Miller.
Emergence of thalamus abnormality in minimally disabled early relapsing remitting MS patients. (ENS 2004).